Weekly 14
14 Meals/Per Week - Meal Swipes or Exchanges
$347.75 in Declining Balance
Per Semester
The Weekly 14 comes with 14 meals a week to be used as Meal Swipes or Meal Exchange + 347.75 DB per semester. Meal Swipes or Meal Exchange used pull from allotted number of meals and reloaded onto your account every week.
Ready to Sign Up Residents?
* Click 'Sign-Up Now' to go to the myWCU portal: https://www.wcu.edu/mywcu/index.aspx
* Find the "My CatCard" Box on your homepage
* Click "View or Change Meal Plan"
* Log in to the Residential Living Portal
* Select Resident
* Click "Add/Update Meal Plan 2024-2025"
* Select your desired meal plan and click "Finish"
* Plan includes tax
Ready to Sign Up Commuters?
* Click 'Sign-Up Now' to go to the myWCU portal: https://www.wcu.edu/mywcu/index.aspx
* Find the "My CatCard" Box on your homepage
* Click "View or Change Meal Plan"
* Log in to the Residential Living Portal
* Select Commuter
* Click "Add/Update Meal Plan 2024-2025"
* Select your desired meal plan and click "Finish"
* Plan includes tax